
September 11th to 13th, 2019
The Krkonoše Mts. National Park Administration is pleased to invite you to attend a conference that will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic.
The hosts of this conference are the Krkonoše and Karkonosze National Park Administrations.
- Presentation of the latest scientific knowledge relating to research, scientific understanding, networking, management and nature conservation of the Krkonoše Mts.
- Examples of effective management tools implemented in mountain protected areas – possibilities and limits
- Activities and expectations of people living in the territory of the Krkonoše Mts.
- Current environmental conflicts and possible solutions in the Krkonoše National Park.
- Practical utilisation of scientific results, research and monitoring activities for environmental education centres and educational programmes.
November 2018 | 1st Announcement |
December 2018 | Call for papers and posters submissions (preliminary title/abstract) |
31st March 2019 | 2nd Announcement |
15th May 2019 | Deadline for paper or poster submissions (Only title and brief abstract, maximum 500 characters, spaces included) |
31st May 2019 | Notification of paper and poster acceptance |
26th July 2019 | Deadline for paper and poster abstracts (maximum 1800 characters, spaces included), Deadline for the latest registrations |
31st July 2019 | 3rd Announcement (with the final conference programme) |
- The online registration form and all current information on fees and options for accommodation are provided on the conference website:
Registrace - Conference Fee: 3,500 CZK (regular). The organizer shall send the invoice for payment in time.
- The total conference Fee includes:
- Conference organisational costs
- Accommodation
- All meals incl. gala dinner
- Coffee breaks
- Participation in all plenary sessions and selected excursions
- Conference materials and Conference proceedings
- Local transport during the excursions
- Conference fees:
- 3,000 CZK early bird registration: until 30th of April 2019
- 3,500 CZK regular registration: until 30th of June 2019
- 4,500 CZK late registration: till 1st of September 2019
prof. František Krahulec | Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Průhonice, Czech Republic |
prof. Piotr Migoń | University of Wrocław, Poland |
prof. Jakub Hruška | Czech Geological Survey, Prague, Czech Republic |
prof. Bronisław Wojtuń | University of Wrocław, Poland |
PhDr. Robin Böhnisch | Krkonoše National Park Administration, Vrchlabí, Czech Republic |
dr Andrzej Raj | Karkonosze National Park Administration, Jelenia Góra, Poland |
RNDr. Jan Štursa | Krkonoše National Park Administration, Vrchlabí, Czech Republic |
Správa KRNAP
Krkonoše – ostrov tundry uprostřed Evropy – jsou unikátní mozaikou horských ekosystémů. Svahy hor osídlují horské lesy a louky, horní partie plochých hřebenů porůstá borovice kleč, alpínské trávníky a rašelinná společenstva. Druhově bohaté jsou také karové oblasti, vzniklé působením ledovců v minulosti.

Karkonoski Park Narodowy
Jelenia Góra
KARKONOSZE to najwyższe pasmo górskie Sudetów leżących w południowo - zachodniej Polsce, na granicy polsko - czeskiej. Góry te rozciągają się od Przełęczy Szklarskiej na zachodzie.